Thursday, August 4, 2011

Immigration Woes

     The immigration topic has always been a hot button topic for people. Wanting to pass tougher and tougher legislation against immigrants has yet to produce even a slow down in illegal immigration. I propose we should try something new, instead of making rules that prosecute the immigrant and cost the tax payer money, how about we stop creating a society that bankrupts another country. By legalizing drugs you would run the very people that ruin the Mexican economy out of business and then allow its citizens to at least get a foot hold on to repairing their own country. Instead of making our home undesirable how about we try to make their home more livable, an option that would save both countries billions of dollars.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Why oh Why

Urban Rail in Austin

     Once again the city of Austin is considering money that we do not have to spend on a project we do not need. I openly welcome any one to tell me why in a time when we are closing schools and shutting down government facilities why on earth we are considering spending 21 million dollars on a public transport system. I will tell you why, the same people who are the head of capitol metro are also our elected officials. It's high time to start cleaning house and get rid of these bums that are self serving  "insert bad word here." I am so tired of government only looking after there self interest and not the people. When are we going to learn that there is not an unlimited spending supply for our officials and there has to be a sensible stop somewhere. For those of you who object to my opinion I challenge you to show me even one year where the capitol metro bus system has shown a profit and sucked money out of the tax system.