Thursday, July 14, 2011

Austin American Statesman: Centers would make voting more convenient

Dana DeBeauvoir the author of this article is missing the point. She states that besides the presidential elections, voter turn out in Texas is terrifyingly low and to remedy this we need voting centers. Apparently the large orange signs every where you look telling you where a voting station is, is far too confusing and hard to find. Also one might find the numerous signs stuck in front of schools, Home Depots and various other places that say "vote here" equally as confusing to understand where a person might locate a voting area. Dana thinks that the confusion of where to vote overwhelms people and because they may have to drive past a polling station to vote at the polling station where they are registered will persuade them to not vote at all. This is akin to saying because I have to drive past a Randalls to get to my preferred HEB shopping store that I may be so inclined to just not buy groceries at all. No Mrs. DeBeavoir, the problem lies not in the overwhelming task of a grown adult to use common sense and a map, or more likely GPS device, the problem is that most functioning adults simply do not care about politics and the greedy, liars who participate in it for a living. The people that are not voting are probably also the people who have the most common sense. On one side you have passionate but unrealistic college age kids who haven't had to face real world problems, feed a family or overcome true adversity, and on the other you have religious, fist pumping angry conservatives who are convinced that the world is coming to an end. That in its self does not leave you with a very wide voter base. You see most people go to work, take their kids to school,worry about how to pay the bills and as part of that growing process have learned when some one is full of bull or not. The problem is not a lack of polling station sites, the problem is the lack of someone to actually vote for. When politicians learn to quit playing to the fringes of the right and left to get votes and then just go back to business as usual then your voter turn out will increase. Until then making centralized voting stations to help people vote for the least scummy option will not increase turn out.

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