Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How hate speach only makes the author look dumb

Letters from Texas   
      It never surprises me how people mistake insults for intelligence. Trying to convey a political argument by merely poking fun at your opponent or insulting them lacks any merit and really any wit. Don't get me wrong I enjoy political satire as much as the next guy, in fact Louise Black happens to be one of my favorite comedians, however there is a time and place for this. It seems lately that instead of laying out a thoughtful argument,backed by reports,numbers, or even a well placed study, the dissenter justifies their position by stating that the opposing side is stupid, or immoral. I am reminded quite often of my two small children who lack the proper social skills and coping mechanisms to handle conflict, when an argument ensues it quickly breaks down into name calling,screaming, and insults.

     I propose an idea which is rarely seen by bloggers or politicians, if you have a disagreement prove that your point of view is correct with some sort of bias free data or study. Opt not to spiral down into the emotional worm hole of if you don't agree with me than you are too stupid to understand. Human nature is always to look for the problem in something else other than ourselves like some sort of ego saving flaw still stuck with our brains from the past. I once read and sadly agree that man as a race is the evil hateful beings that we are because it is easier to destroy than it is to create. Lets all take the time to promote our ideas instead of destroy the ideas of others.

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